After a spring rain, a cyclist rides past runners on a shared urban path.

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

What kind of nonprofit is the REI Cooperative Action Fund?

The Fund is a 501(c)(3) public charity.  

What is the REI Cooperative Action Fund and where does its money come from?

The REI Cooperative Action Fund is a community-driven nonprofit that supports nonprofits making the outdoors more accessible and inclusive for everyone. REI Co-op supports the general operations and some grantmaking. 100% of donations from the general public* are invested in grantees. (*excluding credit card transaction fees)

Where does my donation go?

100% of donations from the general public* support local, regional and national nonprofits that are creating a more equitable outdoors for everyone. (*excluding credit card transaction fees)

How is REI Cooperative Action Fund different from REI Co-op?

REI Co-op founded the Fund to advance the belief that time outside is a human right and to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy the health and well-being benefits of time spent outside. The REI Cooperative Action Fund is a separate legal entity from REI Co-op. REI Co-op supports both the operations and grantmaking of the Fund through cash and in-kind support.

Does REI Co-op contribute any money to the REI Cooperative Action Fund?

Yes. We are grateful for the deep and meaningful support of our founder, REI Co-op. Since our founding, REI has donated the total cost of our operating expenses and some of our grantmaking. Thanks to the generosity of REI Co-op, 100% of donations from the general public* are invested in creating a more equitable outdoors for everyone. (*excluding credit card transaction fees)

Donation FAQ

Will my donation cover operations of REI Cooperative Action Fund or go directly to grantees?

Thanks to the generosity of REI Co-op, 100% of donations from the general public* are distributed to organizations working to ensure that everyone enjoys the health and well-being benefits from time spent outside. (*excluding credit card transaction fees)

Is my donation tax deductible?

The REI Cooperative Action Fund is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. If you have questions about deductibility, consult a tax advisor.

What is the Tax ID number of the Fund?


Will I receive a charitable receipt for tax purposes?  

When donating on, you will automatically be e-mailed an acknowledgment of your donation. 

How can I make changes to my contact information, update my recurring donation or see donation confirmation?

Donors may log into our self-service portal to make changes to their recurring donation at any time. Click here for access. For questions and further help please contact

Can I donate by mailing a check?

Yes, please mail checks to the REI Cooperative Action Fund, Dept. LA #22039, Pasadena, CA 91185-2039. If you would like to receive a donation confirmation, please send your name, mailing address and/or email address along with the check.

Do you accept gifts of stocks? Gifts from donor-advised funds (DAF’s)? Legacy/estate gifts?

Yes. Please contact with any questions. We welcome the opportunity to discuss personalized giving plans.

Can I donate my  REI  member dividend or member reward?  

No. Donating REI member dividend or member rewards to the REI Cooperative Action Fund is not an option at this time.

Can I make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one?

Yes. Simply click on "in honor/memory of" when you make a gift online at This opens beautiful e-card options where you can share a personalized note that is e-mailed to the recipient.

My employer matches my donations – how can I ensure the REI Cooperative Action Fund receives my match?

Please use our simple search tool during the donation process at to add your work email. This will determine if your gift is eligible to be matched by your employer – or ask your HR department how to request a matching gift. Your gift can go twice as far with workplace match programs – thank you for taking the time to double your impact.

I’m an REI employee, how do I make a donation?

Thank you for making a gift using this custom link so that we may thank our REI employees for making personal gifts.

Does REI Co-op receive any financial benefit from inviting and accepting donations to the REI Cooperative Action Fund in REI in stores?

No. Each quarter REI Co-op transfers 100% of all donations made in stores to the REI Cooperative Action Fund. Credit card fees are not deducted from this cumulative amount.

Grantmaking FAQ

When does the REI Cooperative Action Fund distribute grants?

The Fund has two grantmaking cycles annually: spring and fall.

How are grantmaking decisions made?

The Fund carefully considers a number of factors when determining grantees, such as alignment with the Fund’s grantmaking initiatives, mission, our strategic areas of focus, geographic locations, organizational leadership, and more. Grantmaking decisions are informed in part by Fund staff and community advisors, as well as REI store and fleet teams, other funders and nonprofits. Ultimately, all grantmaking decisions are approved by the Fund’s board of directors.

I know of an organization doing great work that aligns with the mission of the REI Cooperative Action Fund. How can I recommend them for a grant? 

You can share nonprofits that align with the Fund’s mission and grantmaking initiatives through the “recommend a potential grantee” form here. (Note: This form is not an application. The Fund is unable to respond to recommendations submitted online.  These recommendations go into a larger pool for consideration and organizations are notified if selected for additional information.)

How does a nonprofit organization apply for funding?

Currently, the Fund invites organizations to apply for funding. The Fund also holds targeted RFPs (request for proposals) for specific funding opportunities.

How does the REI Cooperative Action Fund identify potential grantees?

Potential grantees are identified through our growing network that includes Fund staff and community advisors, nonprofits, REI store and fleet teams, other funders and recommendations from the co-op community through our “recommend a potential grantee” form here. (Note: This form is not an application, and the Fund is unable to respond to recommendations submitted online.  These recommendations go into a larger pool for consideration and organizations are notified if selected for additional information.)


Who is eligible for funding?

Eligibility for funding requires the following:

1. Grantees must substantially further our mission through one of our three grantmaking initiatives. 2. Grantees must have a current 501(c)(3) public charity status or have a fiscal sponsor that has a current 501(c)(3) public charity status. 3. Grantees must be based in the U.S. and serve U.S. communities. 4. Grantees must have a nondiscrimination policy in place and a track record of connecting historically excluded communities to the outdoors.

Note: The Fund does not support individuals, political or religious organizations, preschool -12th-grade schools or endowment campaigns. Not all eligible organizations will receive funding.

Does the REI Cooperative Action Fund support general operations of its grantees?


Are the Funds’ community advisors compensated for their time and expertise?

Yes, the Fund compensates community advisors for their valuable time and expertise.

How are community advisors selected and what specifically will they do?

Community advisors are selected for their expertise using a broad array of criteria including leadership in building a more accessible and inclusive outdoor culture. Community advisors provide input on some of the Fund's grantmaking priorities and grantee selection.

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